See what guests thought about their most recent stay. Includes questions about the check-in process, general hotel staff, room cleanliness and comfort, and open ended questions for further feedback.
Number of questions: 15
Number of Pages: 1
Including a survey on an email receipt gives you ability to customize the variables within the URL and track data based on room or specific hotel location. The below example shows how this would look inside an email receipt. (red link at bottom of email)
Create your survey or form and then place this anchor tag inside an email message or on a web page! You can style the link to look like a button as needed.
The "xxxx" is replaced by the order number of the guest. If you click the above example survey you'll notice the URL contains "&c1=order1". The "order1" is the order number of our example customer but you can replace this with any variable such as room number. This variable should be unique and not be duplicated.