Language Plaza Chinese Learning Survey

China is the largest non-EU trade partner for the Netherlands, as well as the largest economic unity in FDI worldwide. Chinese language skills and cultural insights may improve your social vitality and competitiveness, and make your happier.

Language Plaza is a Chinese language learning community and China business communication consulting company. We'd like to find out your needs in Sino-Dutch communication areas, so that we can be of help. Hope we can reach the goals together.

As a sustainable business, Language Plaza keeps looking for challenges and opportunities. Welcome to contact us for suggestions and advices, please send mails to us via:

This survey consists 15 questions. It will take just several minutes to complete. We appreciate your participation.

How many Dutch traders (2018) do you think, import goods from China?

NL: Hoeveel Nederlandse handelaren (2018), denk je, importeren goederen uit China? 




How many Dutch cities in total, do you think, have had 'Sister-city - town ties' with China?

Nederlands: Hoeveel Nederlandse gemeenten in totaal heeft 'stedenbanden' gehad met China?




What do you immediately think about, when you see or hear the word 'China' and 'Chinese people'? 

NL: Waar denk je meteen aan,als je het woord 'China' of 'Chinezen' ziet of hoort?




Do you know that, Beijing becomes now the only city in the world that has held both the summer and the winter Olympic Games?

NL: Wist je dat Peking wordt nu de enige stad ter wereld die zowel de zomer- als de winterolympische spelen heeft gehouden?




Under what circumstances have you been in contacting with Chinese people, or most likely will be in contact with some?

NL: Onder welke omstandigheden heeft u contact gehad met Chinezen, of zult u hoogstwaarschijnlijk met sommigen in contact komen? 


*Choose between and 4 selections

*Choose between 1 and 4 selections




*Enter answer

What is your mother language(s)?

NL: Wat is uw moedertaal/talen?




*Enter answer

How many languages do you speak at an intermediate to high level? Please specify.

NL:Hoeveel talen spreekt u op gemiddeld tot hoog niveau? Specificeer alstublieft.




*Enter answer

Have you ever learned a bit Mandarin Chinese?  

NL: Heb je ooit een beetje Mandarijn Chinees geleerd? 




*Enter answer

What kind of skills or knowledge would you like to gain more, in dealing with 'China'? In another word, what would make you happier and easier in your social and business contact with Chinese people.

NL: Wat voor soort vaardigheden of kennis zou je nog meer willen opdoen in het omgaan met 'China'? Met andere woorden, wat zou je gelukkiger en gemakkelijker maken in je sociale en zakelijke contact met Chinezen.


*Choose between and selections

*Choose between 1 and 4 selections




*Enter answer

Which of the following way(s) do you think, can improve your competitiveness and satisfaction in dealing with China or Chinese people?

NL: Welke van de volgende manier(en) kan volgens u, uw concurrentievermogen en tevredenheid in de omgang met China of Chinezen verbeteren? 


*Choose between and 4 selections

*Choose between 1 and 4 selections




*Enter answer

11.What is your age?




*Enter answer

Time flies, start to learn Chinese now. Let us know where do you want to start? or choose one from the following options:

NL: De tijd vliegt, begin nu Chinees te leren. Laat u ons weten waar uw wilt beginnen? of kies een van de volgende opties:




*Enter answer

When are most likely your suitable time to follow Chinese courses?

NL: Wanneer is de meest geschikte tijd voor jou om cursussen Chinees te volgen?


*Choose between and 3 selections

*Choose between 1 and 3 selections




*Enter answer

What is your highest degree?

NL: Wat is je hoogste opleiding?




*Enter answer

We appreciate your participation! 
Please leave your contacts to us. We will keep your contacts confidentially.

NL: Wij stellen uw deelname zeer op prijs!
Laat alstublieft uw contacten achter. Wij behandelen uw contacten vertrouwelijk. 


