Survey A

Welcome to Eduplanner's study on the impact of AI-powered assistance and automation on education outcomes. Your participation in this survey will help us understand how our software impacts learning and educational success. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for research purposes. To thank you for your cooperation, Eduplanner will provide free access to its software until you graduate after you complete the final survey at the end of your semester. We look forward to putting the best educational tools at your disposal.

Upload your last semester's final transcript to receive free access to Eduplanner




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1. Age:

2. Gender:




3. Race:


*Choose between and selections

*Choose between 1 and 7 selections




*Enter answer

4. What is your current level of education?




*Enter answer

5. What is your major or field of study?




6. What college/university do you attend?




7. Based on the expected difficulty of the classes you registered for, how do you anticipate your academic performance in this upcoming/curren semester to compare with your past one?




8. What do you expect your GPA/total average to be at the end of the semester? Your answer could be a range of values if you do not have precise expectations or targets.




9. How would you describe your financial situation?




10. What is your employment status?

*Enter answer

11. How would you rate the negative impact of your finances, mental or physical health impediments, and problems that may have risen from personal relationships (family, relationships, friendships etc.) on your academic performance in the previous semester?




Negligible/ no impact
Minor impact
Moderate impact
Major impact
Severe impact
Mental Health
Physical Health
Life events

12. Do you have trouble staying on top of your assignments, exams, and keeping up with your classes in general?




13. How often do you find yourself procrastinating school work?




14. How would you rate the impact of school work on your mental health?




Negligible/ no impact
Minor impact
Moderate impact
Major impact
Severe impact

Would you be interested in free 1-on-1 mentorship or guidance from the Eduplanner team?

Thank you for completing the survey! You will soon receive an email with a special code for free and full access to Eduplanner's premium education planning and assistance software, alongside all the relevant instructions. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, feel free to reach out to the Eduplanner team at