Ranking EU influence on the majority world: economics, finance, business and trade

For each set, rank the most important and least important research question




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Least Important Most Important
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How can EU business and trade policies address the need to procure commodities from majority world countries in sustainable ways?
How is the EU's Global Gateway perceived among Asian policymakers, one year after its launch?
What role could Green Bonds play outside the EU? Would the European green bond standard (EUGBS) be the standard? How could this be implemented?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy on deforestation-linked products and value chains ensure that the exports of products linked to deforestation are not directed to countries with less demanding policies?
What is the net flow of money between the EU and the majority world in each sector of economic activities, and compared to the aid flows for development and finance for climate action?
How are EU public finance management policies addressing the natural resources crisis in the majority world?
How can the EU support the most effective mechanisms for implementing voluntary carbon market projects and programmes with suitable environmental and social safeguards?
How can the EU increase much needed and currently insufficient public and private finance to the majority world for the SDGs, development and climate action under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030? And ensure that there is institutional capacity to make use of it?
Least Important Most Important
How do EU green industrial policies impact the energy transition in the majority world?
What specific EU actions and initiatives could assist majority world countries in mainstreaming green economy and blue economy principles into their economic policies?
How can EU policy support people without electricity in the majority world to access simple and efficient electricity generation systems (such as solar kits, etc.) at low cost?
How can EU policy identify viable mechanisms for private-public cooperation to mitigate investment risks for climate solutions in the majority world?
The EU has invested heavily in the development of a market for renewable energy systems (standalone, household, mini-grid, and grid). What are the implications, (impacts, costs, benefits) for markets and market development in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy support people without electricity in the majority world to access simple and efficient electricity generation systems (such as solar kits, etc.) at low cost?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How do CSR funds invested by EU private companies in the majority world contribute to achieving the SDGs?
How do European trade policies impact environmental integrity in the majority world?
The EU has invested heavily in the development of a market for renewable energy systems (standalone, household, mini-grid, and grid). What are the implications, (impacts, costs, benefits) for markets and market development in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
What specific EU actions and initiatives could assist majority world countries in mainstreaming green economy and blue economy principles into their economic policies?
How do CSR funds invested by EU private companies in the majority world contribute to achieving the SDGs?
What is and should be the EU’s role in ensuring that international trade systems (including fossil fuels) work to achieve SDGs target in the majority world?
What are the main global policy and legal trends affecting industrial development in majority world countries, and what are their implications? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policies on business and trade leverage the critical and ubiquitous tourism sector to catalyse a successful green transition in the majority world?
How is the EU's Global Gateway perceived among Asian policymakers, one year after its launch?
How the EU support the improvement of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the majority world, so that entrepreneurs have better access to resources (including financial) for climate solution deployment and diffusion?
How do European trade policies impact environmental integrity in the majority world?
What is the net flow of money between the EU and the majority world in each sector of economic activities, and compared to the aid flows for development and finance for climate action?
Least Important Most Important
What are best practice examples of EU aid and support promoting successful climate mitigation and adaptation action (including renewable energy) in the majority world?
How do EU green industrial policies impact the energy transition in the majority world?
How does the EU benefit, in social, economic, and political terms, from its relations with majority world countries?'
What is the net flow of money between the EU and the majority world in each sector of economic activities, and compared to the aid flows for development and finance for climate action?
How are EU public finance management policies addressing the natural resources crisis in the majority world?
Least Important Most Important
How is the EU's Global Gateway perceived among Asian policymakers, one year after its launch?
How do CSR funds invested by EU private companies in the majority world contribute to achieving the SDGs?
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
How can the EU leverage global and national value chains to ensure that they support climate change adaptation and mitigation in majority world countries?
What support do industries (metalworking, electronics, etc.) in the majority world require so they are prepared and can rapidly adapt their production systems to critical situations (pandemics, natural disasters, etc.)? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Least Important Most Important
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
How can EU policy support people without electricity in the majority world to access simple and efficient electricity generation systems (such as solar kits, etc.) at low cost?
How do EU private sector business activities (esp. extractives) impact the majority world, and what measures and sanctions have been established by the EU to compensate countries?
How can EU border adjustment mechanisms (such as the carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM) maximise benefits for the majority world?
How can EU business and trade policies address the need to procure commodities from majority world countries in sustainable ways?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How can the EU support the most effective mechanisms for implementing voluntary carbon market projects and programmes with suitable environmental and social safeguards?
Are EU policies helping prices set by private corporations to absorb the externalities their products create?
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
What support do industries (metalworking, electronics, etc.) in the majority world require so they are prepared and can rapidly adapt their production systems to critical situations (pandemics, natural disasters, etc.)? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Least Important Most Important
How are EU public finance management policies addressing the natural resources crisis in the majority world?
How can EU business and trade policies address the need to procure commodities from majority world countries in sustainable ways?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How can the EU increase much needed and currently insufficient public and private finance to the majority world for the SDGs, development and climate action under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030? And ensure that there is institutional capacity to make use of it?
How is the EU's Global Gateway perceived among Asian policymakers, one year after its launch?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy support people without electricity in the majority world to access simple and efficient electricity generation systems (such as solar kits, etc.) at low cost?
How can EU business and trade policies address the need to procure commodities from majority world countries in sustainable ways?
Are EU policies helping prices set by private corporations to absorb the externalities their products create?
How are EU public finance management policies addressing the natural resources crisis in the majority world?
How can the EU increase much needed and currently insufficient public and private finance to the majority world for the SDGs, development and climate action under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030? And ensure that there is institutional capacity to make use of it?
Least Important Most Important
How can the EU leverage global and national value chains to ensure that they support climate change adaptation and mitigation in majority world countries?
How does the EU benefit, in social, economic, and political terms, from its relations with majority world countries?'
What specific EU actions and initiatives could assist majority world countries in mainstreaming green economy and blue economy principles into their economic policies?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How are EU public finance management policies addressing the natural resources crisis in the majority world?
Least Important Most Important
How do CSR funds invested by EU private companies in the majority world contribute to achieving the SDGs?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How is the EU's Global Gateway perceived among Asian policymakers, one year after its launch?
What are best practice examples of EU aid and support promoting successful climate mitigation and adaptation action (including renewable energy) in the majority world?
How can the EU increase much needed and currently insufficient public and private finance to the majority world for the SDGs, development and climate action under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030? And ensure that there is institutional capacity to make use of it?
Least Important Most Important
What specific EU actions and initiatives could assist majority world countries in mainstreaming green economy and blue economy principles into their economic policies?
How should the EU reform the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank so they better meet ambitions for global green transition, in particular in the majority world?
How can EU policy identify viable mechanisms for private-public cooperation to mitigate investment risks for climate solutions in the majority world?
Are EU policies helping prices set by private corporations to absorb the externalities their products create?
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
How can the EU increase much needed and currently insufficient public and private finance to the majority world for the SDGs, development and climate action under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030? And ensure that there is institutional capacity to make use of it?
How can EU policies on business and trade leverage the critical and ubiquitous tourism sector to catalyse a successful green transition in the majority world?
How do CSR funds invested by EU private companies in the majority world contribute to achieving the SDGs?
How do EU private sector business activities (esp. extractives) impact the majority world, and what measures and sanctions have been established by the EU to compensate countries?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy identify viable mechanisms for private-public cooperation to mitigate investment risks for climate solutions in the majority world?
The EU has invested heavily in the development of a market for renewable energy systems (standalone, household, mini-grid, and grid). What are the implications, (impacts, costs, benefits) for markets and market development in majority world countries?
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
How can EU business and trade policies support and strengthen small and medium enterprises in the majority world and enhance their links to their counterparts in the developed world?
What role could Green Bonds play outside the EU? Would the European green bond standard (EUGBS) be the standard? How could this be implemented?
Least Important Most Important
How can the EU support the most effective mechanisms for implementing voluntary carbon market projects and programmes with suitable environmental and social safeguards?
How does the EU benefit, in social, economic, and political terms, from its relations with majority world countries?'
How can EU border adjustment mechanisms (such as the carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM) maximise benefits for the majority world?
Sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, and impact investing should be shifting investments towards the majority world. This is not happening for a series of reasons, including perceived risks, poor data, lower ranking, etc. How can the EU overcome these obstacles so that increased and predictable sustainable finance reaches all majority world regions and in particular LDCs?
What are best practice examples of EU aid and support promoting successful climate mitigation and adaptation action (including renewable energy) in the majority world?