Welcome to my survey.
Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important and appreciated.
This survey is part of a research project to investigate the main barriers and opportunities associated with using multi-sided online platforms, such as eBay, Vinted, etc., in the fashion resale sector, with a particular focus on the resale of second-hand fashion clothing. The objective is to explore the challenges and potential advantages of leveraging these platforms to facilitate the resale of second-hand fashion clothing.
The information you provide will contribute to a deeper understanding of this subject and may assist in the development of strategies to enhance the effectiveness of such models.
Please be assured that your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. No personally identifiable information will be collected during this survey. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your thoughtful and honest responses will be highly appreciated and will make a significant contribution to this research.
Participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw from the questionnaire at any time if you feel uncomfortable or think there are ethics-related issues.
The data gathered from the survey is purely for academic purposes.
If you have any questions regarding this study aim or procedures or if you wish to receive the report, please do not hesitate to contact me via my university e-mail at w1903331@my.westminster.ac.uk.
By proceeding with this survey, you indicate your informed consent to participate. Thank you for your valuable time and contribution.
Researcher: Sarala Ireddy, MSc student, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Supervisor: Toby Robins
Institution: University of Westminster