Ranking EU influence on the majority world: natural resources

For each set, rank the most important and least important research question




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Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
What strategies should the EU employ to ensure that policy and projects related to the majority world include consideration of the climate-biodiversity-society nexus, and the tensions and synergies related to it?
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the priorities for soil restoration in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Has EU direct budget support to majority world governments improved the management of natural resources?
Least Important Most Important
What is the status of water policy and the development and enforcement of related law in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Has EU direct budget support to majority world governments improved the management of natural resources?
Are EU policies on natural resources protecting or damaging the access rights and entitlements of those in the majority world who protect biodiversity, such as Indigenous Peoples and local communities?
How can the expansion of protected areas in the majority world take place without displacing Indigenous Peoples from their lands, as has been the case in many countries? What the implications for future EU policies and action?
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
Least Important Most Important
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
How can the EU promote the development of payments for ecosystem services policies and legal frameworks in the majority world?
How can EU policy support control of ground water depletion in majority countries and help identify and support other mechanisms to conserve groundwater?
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
How can EU policies support and facilitate the transition to a circular economy and the reduction, reuse, recycling of waste (including e-waste) from all sectors as a resource in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
What are the risks and opportunities for the majority world of the growth in demand for lithium and other electric battery materials? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can EU policy on natural resources support the mapping and strengthening of public institutions in environmental law, development, and enforcement in the majority world?
How can the EU support innovative wetland management policy and laws in majority world countries?
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Least Important Most Important
What is the status of water policy and the development and enforcement of related law in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the risks and opportunities for the majority world of the growth in demand for lithium and other electric battery materials? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How do EU-supported land policies in majority world countries contribute towards sustainability, peace, prosperity and achieving the SDGs? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Has EU direct budget support to majority world governments improved the management of natural resources?
How can the EU promote the development of payments for ecosystem services policies and legal frameworks in the majority world?
Least Important Most Important
How do EU-supported land policies in majority world countries contribute towards sustainability, peace, prosperity and achieving the SDGs? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can EU support increasing the awareness of policy makers and the general public in the majority world so as to achieve conservation goals and the sustainable use of biodiversity?
How can EU policy on natural resources identify and support actions and incentives to limit deforestation in the majority world (beyond existing schemes such as REDD)?
How can EU policies support and facilitate the transition to a circular economy and the reduction, reuse, recycling of waste (including e-waste) from all sectors as a resource in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
How can the EU support improved, more responsible and more equitable land governance and support wider property rights in the majority world (in particular LDCs)?
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the root causes, drivers and effects of biodiversity degradation and loss in the majority world linked to EU policies?
How can EU policies support and facilitate the transition to a circular economy and the reduction, reuse, recycling of waste (including e-waste) from all sectors as a resource in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
What are the priorities for soil restoration in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can EU policy support control of ground water depletion in majority countries and help identify and support other mechanisms to conserve groundwater?
What are the root causes, drivers and effects of biodiversity degradation and loss in the majority world linked to EU policies?
What practical, science-based, and simple methodologies can be used to generate knowledge and innovation related to biodiversity values, ecosystem functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss? How can the EU support the better dissemination of this information to societies and policymakers in the majority world?
How can the EU support the creation of mechanism to increase area coverage of ecologically representative, networked and effectively-managed protected areas and other effective conservation measures in the majority world, with special emphasis on technical, administrative and financial aspects?
Least Important Most Important
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
What is the status of water policy and the development and enforcement of related law in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the best ways to engage and convince EU policy makers and donors about the need to invest in the Triple Nexus (water-food-energy) approach in the majority world?
How can EU policy on natural resources identify and support actions and incentives to limit deforestation in the majority world (beyond existing schemes such as REDD)?
What are the root causes, drivers and effects of biodiversity degradation and loss in the majority world linked to EU policies?
Least Important Most Important
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can the EU support watershed restoration in majority world countries, and what should be the priorities for action?
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
How do EU-supported land policies in majority world countries contribute towards sustainability, peace, prosperity and achieving the SDGs? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the best ways to engage and convince EU policy makers and donors about the need to invest in the Triple Nexus (water-food-energy) approach in the majority world?
Least Important Most Important
Has EU direct budget support to majority world governments improved the management of natural resources?
How can the EU support improved, more responsible and more equitable land governance and support wider property rights in the majority world (in particular LDCs)?
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
How can the EU promote the development of payments for ecosystem services policies and legal frameworks in the majority world?
How do EU-supported land policies in majority world countries contribute towards sustainability, peace, prosperity and achieving the SDGs? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
Least Important Most Important
What are the most significant trends in the EU wildlife policy and law development, and how do they impact on the majority world?
Are EU policies on natural resources protecting or damaging the access rights and entitlements of those in the majority world who protect biodiversity, such as Indigenous Peoples and local communities?
What strategies should the EU employ to ensure that policy and projects related to the majority world include consideration of the climate-biodiversity-society nexus, and the tensions and synergies related to it?
How can EU policy promote rainwater harvesting as a water crisis mitigator and climate change adaptation measure in rain-intensive majority world countries (e.g., India, Bangladesh, Philippines, etc.)?
How can the EU support improved, more responsible and more equitable land governance and support wider property rights in the majority world (in particular LDCs)?
Least Important Most Important
What are the most significant trends in the EU wildlife policy and law development, and how do they impact on the majority world?
How do EU-supported land policies in majority world countries contribute towards sustainability, peace, prosperity and achieving the SDGs? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can the EU support improvement and strengthening of stakeholders’ integration (including the participation of local communities) in biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilisation in the majority world?
How can EU policy on natural resources support the mapping and strengthening of public institutions in environmental law, development, and enforcement in the majority world?
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy support better cooperative governance of international rivers in the majority world, particularly in relation to sustainable water management in the face of climate change?
How can the EU support innovative wetland management policy and laws in majority world countries?
What mechanisms can be devised to mitigate the issue of invasive alien species, including actions to regulate the introduction of new ones? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can EU policy support a reduction in excessive extraction and unsustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the majority world – without severely impacting the livelihoods of local communities?
How can the EU support the creation of mechanism to increase area coverage of ecologically representative, networked and effectively-managed protected areas and other effective conservation measures in the majority world, with special emphasis on technical, administrative and financial aspects?
Least Important Most Important
What practical, science-based, and simple methodologies can be used to generate knowledge and innovation related to biodiversity values, ecosystem functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss? How can the EU support the better dissemination of this information to societies and policymakers in the majority world?
How can EU policy on natural resources support the mapping and strengthening of public institutions in environmental law, development, and enforcement in the majority world?
How can the EU support the creation of mechanism to increase area coverage of ecologically representative, networked and effectively-managed protected areas and other effective conservation measures in the majority world, with special emphasis on technical, administrative and financial aspects?
What are the best ways to engage and convince EU policy makers and donors about the need to invest in the Triple Nexus (water-food-energy) approach in the majority world?
How can the EU support effective mechanisms to improve the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to sustainability and wellbeing in majority world countries?
Least Important Most Important
What are the most significant trends in the EU wildlife policy and law development, and how do they impact on the majority world?
How can the EU support improved, more responsible and more equitable land governance and support wider property rights in the majority world (in particular LDCs)?
What strategies should the EU employ to ensure that policy and projects related to the majority world include consideration of the climate-biodiversity-society nexus, and the tensions and synergies related to it?
What practical, science-based, and simple methodologies can be used to generate knowledge and innovation related to biodiversity values, ecosystem functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss? How can the EU support the better dissemination of this information to societies and policymakers in the majority world?
How can the EU support the creation of mechanism to increase area coverage of ecologically representative, networked and effectively-managed protected areas and other effective conservation measures in the majority world, with special emphasis on technical, administrative and financial aspects?
Least Important Most Important
How can EU policy on natural resources support the mapping and strengthening of public institutions in environmental law, development, and enforcement in the majority world?
What is the status of water policy and the development and enforcement of related law in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
How can the EU support improved, more responsible and more equitable land governance and support wider property rights in the majority world (in particular LDCs)?
How can EU policy support control of ground water depletion in majority countries and help identify and support other mechanisms to conserve groundwater?
What are the most significant trends in the EU wildlife policy and law development, and how do they impact on the majority world?
Least Important Most Important
What is the status of water policy and the development and enforcement of related law in the majority world? What are the implications for future EU policies and actions?
What are the most significant trends in the EU wildlife policy and law development, and how do they impact on the majority world?
What strategies should the EU employ to ensure that policy and projects related to the majority world include consideration of the climate-biodiversity-society nexus, and the tensions and synergies related to it?
How can the EU support watershed restoration in majority world countries, and what should be the priorities for action?
How can the EU support improvement and strengthening of stakeholders’ integration (including the participation of local communities) in biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilisation in the majority world?